Friday, March 6

Life in FAR land is in full swing.

Having cornered Johnie Moore, Keith Sawyer, Mark Klein, Peter Gloor, Roland Harwood and Andrew Keen this week, we've learn't heaps and are eager to get stuck into next weeks medley of interviews.

With regards to a few complications using googledocs, it turns out that Fei was not the problem in question, it was infact Alice, who is looking rather shame faced, as she had spearheaded the movement to rename Fei simply VIRUS.

Transcribing all these interviews is proving a lengthy yet necessary task, however revisiting them is a really great way to consolidate and pass on all that juicy learning. Look out for Podcasts of a few of those comming soon.

The Collaboration Ninjas circle is widening with the arrival of many geeks to help us make a super cool website. You can find them at: where they are currently discussing what the site will be able to do, and how to best design it.

As a last note, the importance of planning and how it can give us hope was highlighted in this happy news story of how Captain Chesley B. Sullenberger III - the pilot of the US Airways flight that landed in the Hudson River, made plans and was ultimately successful in saving the lives of his passengers:

"We never gave up. Having a plan enabled us to keep our hope alive. Perhaps in a similar fashion, people who are in their own personal crises —a pink slip, a foreclosure— can be reminded that no matter how dire the circumstance, or how little time you have to deal with it, further action is always possible. There's always a way out of even the tightest spot. You can survive."

Backcasting from success in action

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