So it's Wednesday night, and FAR is preparing for some serious withdrawal. After weeks of intensive, physical real life FAR time we're about to be separated for 13 days. Oh my! I guess it's time to put our money where our mouth is and move our collaboration to the virtual world. Skype, google docs, twitter here we come.
In case you're worried about how FAR will fare as three individuals, you can follow the experience on twitter. To see Alice's progress, friend petitepeche. To hear of Rebecca's pain, search rapetzel. And for our dear Fei- Roxfei is awaiting your friendship.
Not sold on twitter yet? We understand- we're recent converts ourselves. But in our short experience we've made global connections and found resources we never could have imagined. And if you're already a google user- you can add a simple twitter gadget to your igoogle home page nice and easy to allow for easy collaboration. So Val- get on twitter already ok?
We're anxiously awaiting your tweets....
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