What did we find? We think this little guy pretty much sums it up. The more innovative and creative we can be as a society, the better chance we have of making a happier world and planet. And what's the best way to innovate and foster creativity? You got it, collaboration. We're still working with the ninjas to put together tips to heighten or collaborative capacity, allow us to really harness the power of the vast collaborative network they call 'the web' to innovate on a grand scale. So keep your eyes peeled for more to come at http://www.collaborationninja.com. And for some quick ninja tips every now and then, check out our tweeting ninja: collabninja.
At this point we should probably thank our friends and family for being so patient with us as we disappeared down that mysterious rabbit hole they call 'thesis world.' We haven't quite made it back to the surface yet, but we're coming closer. We'd especially like to thank Val- for being the only one to read this blog till the end:)